Catholic Gatherings

TMLA Women in Engineering Summer Camp: July 17-21, 2023

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3:00 PM

TMLA Women in Engineering Summer Camp: July 17-21, 2023

The Mary Lous Academy, must register for event

Wexford Terrace, Jamaica Estates

Young women entering 5th-9th grade are encouraged to register for the TMLA Women in Engineering summer camp July 17-21, 2023.  The camp is to expose girls to the exciting world of engineering through hands-on fun engineering design projects.  So many of the girls who took our camp are now living meaningful lives making positive contributions to our world’s people and environment while receiving a wonderful salary that gives them and their families financial stability.

Testimonial from TMLA student who was in the TMLA Women in Engineering camp in Summer 2022:

“When I joined this engineering camp last summer, I had no idea what to expect. But this camp has been the most memorable highlight of my summer and really helped to shape my current interests. I was able to collaborate with other girls, learn more about the engineering field, and take on different projects and problems. I fully enjoyed my experience with this camp, made lifelong friendships along the way, and developed skills that can help us explore this amazing field. ”


Camp video in which girls share with their families their experience including parent testimonials:


Join us for an exciting summer engineering program designed for young women who want to learn more about the role engineering plays in their lives. They will engage in hands-on team-based engineering design projects in all fields of engineering where they will apply their creativity in designing engineering solutions. This program is aimed at nurturing their natural curiosity, building their confidence, and fostering their interest in engineering as a fun, exciting, and rewarding career.

Why Engineering?
Engineering unleashes the spirit of innovation. Engineers help shape the future and constantly discover ways to improve our lives. Exploring engineering while young gives them opportunities to experience first-hand how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can impact real-life challenges.

Our Goal:
The program aims to inspire young women to explore all fields of engineering: aerospace, agricultural, biomedical, civil, chemical, computer, electrical, environmental, industrial, mechanical, software and structural. Examples of engineering design projects include Marshmallow Launcher, Tic Tac Coding, Microbots, Speaker, Shake Structure, Wind Turbine, Biomedical Hand, and lots more….

Monday – Thursday, the girls will participate in hands-on design projects. On Friday, the girls will experience engineering in action during a tour of an engineering company in the morning, followed by the end-of-program celebration at 1:30 pm where families are invited to watch the girls present their design projects. A newsletter is emailed to families. An example of the camp is attached.

Students will be taught by a team of women who teach and work in engineering. They will serve as role models and mentors to students, sharing their passion for engineering.

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