Catholic Gatherings

Theology of Mary’s Body

Registrations have closed
5:10 PM
8:30 PM

Theology of Mary’s Body

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY, 10017

Goretti NY Young Adult Event

Theology of Mary’s Body

Join us for a talk by Barbara Weir Powers on how the Our Lady of Guadalupe image is linked to The Theology of The Body and the ancient Aztec/Mexican culture. The talk begins at 7PM with first Friday Mass & Confessions at 5:10PM followed by a holy hour and fellowship at 6:30PM for those attending the talk. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Come for all or part of the evening. For more information contact

Barbara holds a master’s degree in Education from St. John’s University and a bachelor’s degree in Speech and Theater from Wagner College. She is also a graduate of The Theology of the Body Institute. After a 25 year career teaching in the New York City Public School system, she is finally fulfilling her vocation as a teacher of Religion at La Salle Academy here in Manhattan.

She feels blessed to be able to share her love of the Catholic faith with her students and prays that she will be influential in leading them to a deeper understanding of their faith and a closer relationship with God. She resides in Manhattan with her husband Gerard.

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