Catholic Gatherings

St Patricks Day DInner Party

Registrations have closed
2:00 PM
6:00 PM

St Patricks Day DInner Party

Knights of Colombus Hall

1305 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228

The Life Center of New York in Brooklyn a Crisis Pregnancy Center, will have their annual St Patrick’s Dinner and Party

Corned Beef Dinner, beer wine and soda on the house, Cake and Coffee. Irish Step Dancers will perform. Prize baskets,50/50 & door prizes!

To be held at the John Hughes Knights of Colombus Hall on 86th St & 13th Ave in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

To be Held on Sunday March 12th at 2PM $50. per person. Checks made out and sent to: The Life Center of NY 6802 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11220 Tele# 718.748.4992

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