Catholic Gatherings

SMA Annual Reunion

Registrations have closed
12:00 PM
4:00 PM

SMA Annual Reunion

Connolly's Pub and Restaurant

121 W 45 St., New York, NY 10036

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of St. Michael School which became St. Michael Academy.  The annual Reunion of the St. Michael Academy Alumnae Association (NYC) will be held this year. It is open to ALL Alumnae but especially honors the Golden Anniversary Class of 1974 and the Silver Anniversary Class of 1999.  ALL SMA Alumnae from all years are welcome to attend this special celebration.

For further information and reservations please consult the website at: or by email at: or call:  516-437-6958.  The cost is $80 for the luncheon before August 31, 2024, $90 thereafter.  Cash bar

Must pre-register

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