Catholic Gatherings

Men’s Cursillo (English Speaking)

Registrations have closed
7:00 PM
5:00 PM

Men’s Cursillo (English Speaking)

Seminary of the Immaculate Conception

440 West Neck Road, Huntington, NY

The Cursillo is a method of spiritual awakening designed to inform and support your Christian expression of self, others and God. The method includes follow-up, which is helpful to continue one’s exploration of what you have learned.

The Cursillo weekend begins on a Thursday evening at 7:00 PM and concludes on Sunday with a Closing Ceremony at 5:00 PM. Friends and family are invited to the Closing Ceremony.

The weekend activity consists of a series of talks, presented in concrete and every-day terms, on the basics of what it means to be a Catholic Christian. Group discussion follows each talk. Activities include daily Mass, Reconciliation, group prayer, meals and free time. Sufficient time is given to afford participants adequate sleep each night.

Following the weekend, spiritual and apostolic community is encouraged through follow-up groups at the parish level, at Ultreya, Prayer Groups and Reunions.

The purpose of the Cursillo is to inform and support your Christian expression of aliveness, satisfaction and well-being. The spiritual themes of prayer, study and action are explored throughout the weekend. In keeping with this intention, we ask that you look closely at the appropriateness of your participation. Individual participation in group discussion is a major component of the weekend. Although you are expected to attend all the activities of the weekend, you are personally responsible for your participation in the Cursillo and your own well-being.

The Cursillo is in no way intended psychotherapy or psychological counseling, is not therapeutic in nature and should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health care. Persons presently or recently in a crisis of any nature (emotional, physical or spiritual) generally have a better experience if they wait until the crisis has been resolved.

The introduction or use of alcohol or non-prescription drugs while at the Cursillo is prohibited.

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