Catholic Gatherings

Live It Up: Get Healthy, Live Well

Registrations have closed
12:00 PM
3:00 PM

Live It Up: Get Healthy, Live Well

St. Athanasius Church

2154 61st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204

WHAT: Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will host a Live It Up: Get Healthy, Live Well event for our neighbors in Brooklyn. Join us for information on healthy resources, tips and more! Participants are required to wear a mask and be prepared to social distance.

What will be there?
Produce box (while supplies last)
Blood Pressure Screening
Dental Screening (Liberty Dental)
FREE COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and boosters by Trinity Pharmacy (bring your vaccination, insurance card and photo ID.) No insurance required.
Clear Captions
Catholic Charities Narrows Senior Center
Empire BlueCross/BlueShield
And more!

*Hosted by Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Community Health & Wellness Services.

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