Catholic Gatherings

LAOH Honors St. Brigid

Registrations have closed
12:00 PM
4:00 PM

LAOH Honors St. Brigid

Bantry Bay Restaurant

33-01 Greenpoint Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101

The Kings County Board of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc., cordially invites you to join us at our 106th Annual St. Brigid Celebration. This is a very special year for us, it is the 1500th anniversary of the death of our Patron, St. Brigid, Mary of the Gael.   Our celebration will be held at the Bantry Bay restaurant 33-01 Greenpoint Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 (street parking is available). Our Celebration in Honor of our Patron Saint will start with Lunch at the restaurant; music will be provided by Robert and Bronagh.

It is our tradition in Brooklyn that when we come together with our family and friends to celebrate St. Brigid, we also bestow the prestigious LAOH Kings County St. Brigid Award; this award honors one of our sisters who exemplifies our Motto of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. We will also be recognizing our Kings County LAOH sisters who will be honored as Aides/Deputy Marshals at this year’s St. Patrick Parades.

Please join us on this special day! All are welcome, bring your family and friends. For reservations to our Luncheon, make your check payable to:

“Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians” and mail to: c/o Mitchell 6657 73rd Place, Middle Village, NY 11379

Tickets for the Luncheon are $75.00 per person, which includes food (hot buffet lunch), coffee, tea, cake, soda, music, and an exhibit about St. Brigid. Sorry no ticket sales at the door. All tickets must be paid in advance since we need to give the restaurant a headcount to provide ample seating.

St. Brigid is the Patron Saint of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians as well as the Patron Saint of Ireland. St. Brigid’s Feast Day is one of the LAOH national holidays which is celebrated by Hibernians across the country. St. Brigid is known throughout the world for her kindness and charity towards others; it is St. Brigid that we emulate when we practice our Motto: “FRIENDSHIP, UNITY AND CHRISTIAN CHARITY”.

Please fill-out below form with the names of those attending and your contact info. Deadline for reservations is January 24th, 2025. Any questions on the lunch please call Bridie 917 302-3569 or for the booklet please contact Mary Hogan 917 699-9290 or email:

We will also be printing our annual Souvenir Booklet for our St. Brigid Celebration.

Yours in Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity, Mary Hogan, Kings County President

Enclosed is a check for $_______________for (how many) _______ tickets.

Names of those attending lunch:

Name__________________________________ Div#____________ County________

Name__________________________________ Div#____________ County________

Name__________________________________ Div#____________ County________

Name__________________________________ Div#____________ County________

Name__________________________________ Div#____________ County________

Contact Person-name _________________________ Tel# _______________________

Contact Email:  ____________________________@___________________________

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