Catholic Gatherings

It’s not complicated…. How to simplify your dating life!

Registrations have closed
5:10 PM
8:30 PM

It’s not complicated…. How to simplify your dating life!

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY, 10017

It’s not complicated…. How to simplify your dating life!

Join us on the 2nd of August at St. Agnes Church.  Katie Hadi will be sharing about the apprehensions singles face during their period of waiting and how they can turn it into a time of preparation instead.

The talk begins at 7PM with first Friday Mass & Confessions at 5:10PM followed by a holy hour and fellowship at 6:30PM for those attending the talk. For more information contact Pizza and refreshments will be served.  Come for all or part of the evening.

Katie is a Holistic Nurse from Boston. She moved to NYC has that year of singlehood meets a good guy…then toggles with the question “Is he the one?”  She is happily married to the man of her dreams and lives in New York City.

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