Catholic Gatherings

Gorreti Group NY: Date to Win!

Registrations have closed
5:00 PM
8:30 PM

Gorreti Group NY: Date to Win!

St. Agnes Church

143 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017

Join us for Mass, talk, and social on how to succeed in finding a good marriage match by trying a new, fun dating model…Date to win!

Meet Our Speakers!


Dr. Chuck & Betsy Stokes. Dr. Chuck Stokes is a professor of sociology at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, where he specializes in the sociology of family, religion, and romantic relationships. Betsy is a book editor and writer who currently writes at, where she helps create curriculum to engage the culture from a natural-law perspective.


Chuck and Betsy (married 26 yrs) have been Catholic college ministers since they converted as Evangelicals to Catholicism in 2010. They are certified marriage mentors who research together how Christians date and find a good match for marriage. They are the co-authors of an upcoming book on realistic, enriching, and effective dating for Catholics in the modern world. Betsy and Chuck are the founders of and are passionate about helping Catholic young adults succeed in finding a great marriage match.


After this talk, you will be prepared to try a brand new, fun-centered dating model, involving realistic time-bound commitments that lessen the pressure of dating while training couples for faithfulness. Come learn how to ditch the world’s modern dating fiasco, and Date to Win!


To hear Betsy & Chuck’s story on how they were called to work with young adults, view the EWTN Jim & Joy show here.


*Pizza and drinks will be served*. For more info, email:

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