Catholic Gatherings

From Destruction to Resurrection: A New Life in Jesus Christ

Registrations have closed
5:10 PM
8:30 PM

From Destruction to Resurrection: A New Life in Jesus Christ

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY 10017

Goretti NY Young Adult Event

Join us for a personal witness talk by Aloni Bonilla, an aspiring religious sister with an amazing story of transformation in Jesus’ love and mercy.  Talk begins at 7PM with first Friday Mass & Confessions at 5:10 followed by a holy hour and fellowship at 6:30 PM for those attending the talk. For more information contact

St. Agnes Church, 143 E 43rd Street, 10017

As a religious sister with Koinonia John the Baptist, Aloni feels called to evangelize in the power of the Holy Spirit.  After experiencing a miraculous outpouring of His love and mercy, Aloni explains how Jesus transformed her life from growing up in a divorced family without a father, through her loss of faith, and a brief incarceration that led her to

“an experience with the risen Lord Jesus.  He didn’t look at the lifestyle I was living.  He didn’t judge me based on my poor decisions…”

She is so thankful to have the opportunity to invite you all on her journey towards entering the next chapter of her life with Christ.  Learn how you can help Aloni and other future religious in the Laboure Society.

Pizza and refreshments will be served.

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