Catholic Gatherings

Finding a Virtuous Spouse: A Catholic Retreat for Singles

Registrations have closed
6:00 PM
12:00 PM

Finding a Virtuous Spouse: A Catholic Retreat for Singles

Mt Alvernia Retreat Center

158 Delavergne Ave, 1260, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Finding a Virtuous Spouse: A Catholic Retreat for Singles

Young Adult Singles Retreat

Serious Catholic singles ages 23 – 40 are welcome to join us for a weekend titled “Finding a Virtuous Spouse: A Catholic Retreat for Singles” with talks by Patrick O’Hearn and time for adoration fellowship quiet reflection and nature at Mt. Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappingers Falls, NY.

(Friday evening dinner until Sunday before lunch).

$375 for the weekend (shared rooms available) Limited Space for 40 male and 40 female retreatants.  Register ASAP to reserve your spot.  Email: for more information.  Click the link to register for the retreat:

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