Catholic Gatherings

Farewell Celebration

Registrations have closed
5:00 PM
8:30 PM

Farewell Celebration

Salve Regina Catholic Academy School Gym

237 Jerome Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207

We would like to invite you ALL back to our school to celebrate the class of 2024 and to bid our beloved building farewell (alumni, faculty, staff, board members and resource teachers)! Read the attached flyer and please rsvp to join us on June 13th. You can scan the QR code or sign up by visiting: (donation of $10 requested for farewell event). See you soon! ***
¡Nos gustaría invitarlos a TODOS a regresar a nuestra escuela para celebrar a los graduados de 2024 y despedirnos de nuestro querido edificio (exalumnos, profesores, personal, miembros de la junta directiva y profesores de recursos)! Lea el folleto adjunto y confirme su asistencia para unirse a nosotros el 13 de junio. Puedes escanear el código QR o registrarte visitando: (Se solicita donación de $10 para evento de despedida). Nos vemos pronto!

#StMichaelCommercialHS #StMichaelGrammarSchool #StMichaelElementary #RFK #StJohnNeumann #SRCA #catholicschool #wearefamily #TeachingGospelValues #24karatmagic #classof24 #Hardtosaygoodbyetoyesterday

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