Catholic Gatherings

Diocesan Corpus Christi Procession

Registrations have closed
12:15 PM
1:15 PM

Diocesan Corpus Christi Procession

Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph

856 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238

11:00 AM Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph (English)

12:15 PM Procession begins from the Co-Cathedral

12:40 PM Procession arrives at St. Teresa and returns to the Co-Cathedral

1:15 PM Procession arrives back at the Co-Cathedral

1:30 PM Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph (Spanish)

Note: Those attending the Creole Mass at St. Teresa (11:30 – 12:30) are welcome to join the procession as it returns to the Co-Cathedral after Mass.

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