Catholic Gatherings

Crossroads Spring Festival

Registrations have closed
5:00 PM
10:00 PM

Crossroads Spring Festival

San Damiano Mission

Banker Street, between Nassau Avenue and N 15th St., in Brooklyn, New York 11222


Spring Music Festival

Shalom Catholic Community

Crossroads is an outdoor free festival aimed at planting a seed of Peace in the heart of New York City. Community, art, and genuine joy can certainly be ways for us to build up a Civilization of Love.

In addition to the artists performing on the main stage, we wish to create an open and welcoming environment for everyone, including an international food court with dishes from all over the world, indoor and outdoor spaces for socializing and making new friends, assistance for the poorest with clothing donations and, last but not least, a very special place to find the Source of all Peace. Bishop Brennan will also be present at the Festival leading a moment of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Why crossroads?

To foster a ‘culture of encounter’, Crossroads will be held right at the intersections of Banker’s Anchor, N 15th Street, and Nassau Avenue, between the neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Greenpoint, in Brooklyn.
So many people rush through those streets every day, why don’t we turn that crossroads into a meeting place where we celebrate friendship and the joy of togetherness? Anyone looking for peace and joy can find it there, for free!

Rather than a one-way street, this festival is an invitation to share life! Anyone who wants to come and share their time, point of view, values, doubts, dreams, culture, and faith… will be welcome at Crossroads, since we truly believe that our differences are a means to enrich each other.

 Everybody is welcome!

This event is organized by the Shalom Catholic Community, fun is part of the whole experience and together with it prayer will come as one of the attractions of the event.

If you have any question don’t hesitate in reaching out to us at

Follow us on social media @shalomnewyork

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