Catholic Gatherings

“Called to Mission: The Scandal of God’s Love”

Registrations have closed
5:00 PM
8:30 PM

“Called to Mission: The Scandal of God’s Love”

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY, 10017

Jair Moncada will be sharing about the joy of the Catholic faith, answering the call to be a missionary, & spreading the love of Jesus Christ in the world.

The talk begins at 7 PM with first Friday Mass & Confessions at 5:10 PM followed by a holy hour and fellowship at 6:30 PM for those attending the talk.  For more information, contact  Pizza and refreshments will be served.  Come for all or part of the evening.

Jair is currently a 5th grade teacher in Paterson, New Jersey.  He has served in countries such as Haiti, Honduras, Peru, Jamaica, and his native country Ecuador.

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