Catholic Gatherings

Bus Trip: Pilgrimage to Rosa Mystica

Registrations have closed
6:00 AM

Bus Trip: Pilgrimage to Rosa Mystica

158-10 101 Street Howard Beach, NY 11414

Join us on Saturday July 23rd on our pilgrimage to Rosa Mystica for feast day celebrations in honor of Our Lady of Rosa Mystica.

The bus will pick up pilgrims in front of Our Lady of Grace Church promptly at 6:00 am on 159th Avenue. Cars can be parked in the church parking lot.

Cost: $75 for transportation, fees and tips
You can pay by check or cash. You can drop off payment at the parish office or in an envelope in the collection basket at church. Please include the names of people attending and their contact Information (phone/text/email.) Please make checks payable to Our Lady of Grace Church. You can purchase lunch at the cafeteria at Rosa Mystica or you can bring your own lunch, if you prefer.

For more information call parish rectory at (718)– 843-6218.

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