Catholic Gatherings

Baby Bottle Drive

Registrations have closed

Baby Bottle Drive

CompassCare/EMC (Expectant Mother Care) is pleased to announce that we are extending our Respect Life Month baby bottle drive in honor of the first anniversary of the passing of prolife hero and EMC founder Chris Slattery last November. We will drop off and pick up bottles from November through mid-December. This year, every donation made will be matched dollar-for- dollar by a generous donor! Every bottle filled becomes two! Your parish’s support helps CompassCare/EMC to serve women and save babies at our free clinics in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and our mobile unit.

Here’s how to get started:
1. Contact CompassCare/EMC at 347-768-2913 with the number of bottles requested.
2. CompassCare/EMC will deliver the empty baby bottles to you.
3. Distribute empty bottles to parishioners and collect filled bottles by December 15.
4. Contact CompassCare/EMC to arrange for pickup.

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