Catholic Gatherings

Anointing of the Sick Special Mass at The Cathedral Basilica of Saint James

Registrations have closed
10:00 AM

Anointing of the Sick Special Mass at The Cathedral Basilica of Saint James


250 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Come and join us at The Cathedral Basilica of Saint James  at 10:30 AM for a special Anointing of the Sick Mass followed by a light lunch downstairs in the Cathedral Center.  Reserved areas in the front of Cathedral for the mobility handicapped and those in wheelchairs will be provided.

The origin of anointing and prayers for strength to accept sickness dates back to the time of Jesus.  In the Gospels we find many references to Jesus caring for the sick and disabled.  You will recall the story of the paralytic, where Jesus said : “Your sins are forgiven” “But to prove to you that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” – He said to the paralytic – “Get upland pick up your bed and go off home”.  (Matthew 9:3, 6-8)


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