Catholic Gatherings

Amazing Flowers, Awesome Stars: the Challenge of Relationships in Today’s Desert. A Short Walk with St. Charles de Foucauld

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5:10 PM
8:30 PM

Amazing Flowers, Awesome Stars: the Challenge of Relationships in Today’s Desert. A Short Walk with St. Charles de Foucauld

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY 10017

Join us for a talk by Fr. Ray Roden, PhD in Psychology, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Fr. Ray will talk about challenges facing young adult relationships these days with reflections on St. Charles de Foucauld and how it relates to these times on his feast day.  Pizza and refreshments will be served.

Goretti NY Young Adult Event

Talk begins at 7PM with first Friday Mass & Confessions at 5:10 followed by a holy hour and fellowship at 6:30 PM for those attending the talk. There will be Adoration with a Holy Hour and Benediction, as well as veneration of a First Class relic of St. Maria Goretti. For more information contact

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