Catholic Gatherings

A Construction Worker’s Return to Faith, Theology of The Body, Prayer, & Witness for Life

Registrations have closed
5:10 PM
8:30 PM

A Construction Worker’s Return to Faith, Theology of The Body, Prayer, & Witness for Life

St. Agnes Church

143 East 43 Street, New York, NY 10017

Ryan will share his personal witness about ongoing conversion and graces received to help him grow in self- knowledge. When he was first exposed to the Theology of the body, it “sealed the deal” convincing him to be a practicing catholic for life.

Ryan is an International Commercial Driver and NYC construction worker, foreman and project manager overseeing work on projects including the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement, Goethals Bridge, LaGuardia Airport and Jacob Javits Center.

Ryan is also a Life Runner and participates in the Across America Relay. In his own words, “our Good, Good Father blessed me with graces pointing me to the Pro-Life movement and especially convicting me with the topic of TOB and blessing me with relationships with children conceived by rape and a woman who chose life for those children.”

Join us for all or part of the evening. Pizza and refreshments will be served.

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